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Shwe Inn Thein
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Shwe Inn Thein
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listes et lieux en rapport avec
Shwe Inn Thein
Pagodas de Ywama
Pagodas de Ywama
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Jardins flottants
Jardins flottants
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Fabriques de cigares du Lac Inle
Fabriques de cigares du Lac Inle
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La Barge Royale
La Barge Royale
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Ateliers de forgerons de Seingkaung
Ateliers de forgerons de Seingkaung
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Puente de Maing Thauk
Puente de Maing Thauk
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Les ateliers Mya Pwint Chel
Les ateliers Mya Pwint Chel
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Pagode des miroirs
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My parents
My parents
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Shwe Yan Pyay Pagoda
Shwe Yan Pyay Pagoda
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Trek desde " Kalaw - Nyang Gong"
Trek desde " Kalaw - Nyang Gong"
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Venta de Troncos de Thanaka
Venta de Troncos de Thanaka
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Fábrica de papel y sombrillas
Fábrica de papel y sombrillas
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Ban Rak Thai Border Crossing
Ban Rak Thai Border Crossing
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Location de bicyclettes à Bagan
Location de bicyclettes à Bagan
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Weirawsana Pagoda - Pagoda de Jade
Weirawsana Pagoda - Pagoda de Jade
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Escalier du Mont Popa
Escalier du Mont Popa
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Ruines de In Thein
La Pagode Phaung Daw Oo
Marché flottant de Ywama – Lac Inle
Marché de Nam Pan
Monastère des chats sautant Nga Phe Kyaung
Promenade en canot à Nyang Shwe - Lac Inle
Kaungdaing – lac Inle
Trek de Kalaw à Inle Lake
Lac Inle
Shwe Yee Win
The Sunset
Le Restaurant Kan Yeik Thor
Ruby Restaurant and Cold Drink
Restaurant Green Elephant
Nylon Icecream Bar
Bar-Restaurant Mann
Shwe Lamin Tea Shop
Coffee In Love
Maharngwe Tea Center
Paramount Inle Resort
The Serenity Inle Resort
Pristine Lotus Spa Resort
Hôtel Myanmar Treasure
Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min Hotel
Hôtel Min Ga Lar Inn
Amazing Nyaung Shwe Hotel
Conqueror Resort Hotel
Hôtel Bagan Princess
Kaday Aung Hotel
Shwe Inn Thein
Liens de
Shwe Inn Thein
Hôtels près de Shwe Inn Thein
D'intérêt touristique Nyaung Shwe